I have some Eprom to sell : 27C4001/040 & 27C512
Each Eprom has been tested good and I can sell it as a blank one or I can burn it for free! ( in case of you don't have any programmer/burner device ) . As I care about copyright , you'll have to send me the files that you want to burn ( I don't want to sell a file that I'm not the owner... ) .
Keep in mind that the 27C4001/040 &27C2001/020 &27C1001/010 have the same number of pin . it means that the only difference is the size ( 512 KO - 256 ko & 128 ko ) , so if you're looking after a 2001 or 1001 you can replace it by a 4001 as it's the bigger one from the three...

I'm only asking 5€ for 1 , take a look at their price on EBAY

I'll be at the BFK , so I could bring my laptop and burn some eprom for you ...
Karim Zitoun