Aerosmith (Stern)

Wat doen intussen de fabrikanten?
Berichten: 3021
Lid geworden op: 12 aug 2011, 08:59
Real name: Steven
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Q » 07 jan 2017, 18:24

Pascal schreef:de Batman66 super LE kost 9000 euro meer dan de Aerosmith pro
Ik zou het nog zo niet weten. Heb eergisteren de factuur mogen ontvangen... :puke:

Voor de Batman SLE wel te verstaan. :ugeek:
*** Q is good for you !! ***

Berichten: 61
Lid geworden op: 03 feb 2016, 19:04
Real name: diego
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door killerboy0000007 » 07 jan 2017, 19:02

g94 schreef:
Avatar schreef:Die cartoony graphics geven mij voorlopig meer het gevoel dat ik naar Scooby Doo zit te kijken op dat scherm ...
Ik blijf me afvragen hoe lang het zal duren eer er een DMD "mod" beschikbaar zal zijn ipv die klungelige display. Die graphics en animaties zijn echt wel amateurisme troef...

volledig mee eens .
in play : sopranos , wcs94 , junkyard , champion pub , taxi

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4395
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 21 jan 2017, 00:38

IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 5840
Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2011, 21:14
Real name: PVW
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Pascal » 21 jan 2017, 09:43

dat ball lock systeem lijkt toch dikwijls de mist in te gaan...

Berichten: 36
Lid geworden op: 30 aug 2016, 00:28
Real name: Robin

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door uncle_woody » 27 jan 2017, 14:49

Wel duidelijk dat ze de KISS als template gebruikt hebben.

Veel van de sound effects zijn zelfs niet vervangen, als ze dat in de toekomst niet doen gaat er een groot deja vu gehalte zijn vrees ik :?
Het complete overzicht: /viewtopic.php?f=16&t=78

Help us keep this list up to date! PM me your current local pins!

Berichten: 36
Lid geworden op: 30 aug 2016, 00:28
Real name: Robin

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door uncle_woody » 11 feb 2017, 09:54

Het complete overzicht: /viewtopic.php?f=16&t=78

Help us keep this list up to date! PM me your current local pins!

Den Duze
Berichten: 655
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 14:28
Real name: Dujardin Didier

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Den Duze » 13 feb 2017, 07:46

Wij kunnen bevestigen dat het lock mechanisme momenteel nog geregeld de mist in gaat 8-)

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4395
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 13 feb 2017, 09:26

Nuja, de lock zal zacht kicken als de lock niet aan staat.
Als de lock wel aanstaat maar er zitten al evenveel of meer ballen in dan die speler zn lock zal hij hard schieten op de kist die toe staat.
Als hij wil wil locken zal hij dat proberen en er zou logica in de software zitten die de kracht bijstuurt mocht hij te veel missen.
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 929
Lid geworden op: 11 sep 2012, 15:07
Real name: Ollivier
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door aquasat » 13 feb 2017, 11:41

Dit weekend enkele keren op gespeeld.
Hij overtuigde me niet echt.
Schoten vergelijkbaar met de Kiss.
De lock is een leuke toy maar niet zo functioneel als de crate in een SS.
De pro ziet er ook leeg uit, maar dat had ik bij een Metallica ook.
Dus het is wat afwachten wat ze doen met de software.

Berichten: 794
Lid geworden op: 14 aug 2011, 00:39
Real name: Ivan Geentjens

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door ivang » 13 feb 2017, 13:13

aquasat schreef:Dit weekend enkele keren op gespeeld.
Hij overtuigde me niet echt.
Schoten vergelijkbaar met de Kiss.
De lock is een leuke toy maar niet zo functioneel als de crate in een SS.
De pro ziet er ook leeg uit, maar dat had ik bij een Metallica ook.
Dus het is wat afwachten wat ze doen met de software.

Leuk om een paar keer op gespeeld te hebben, maar niet dat nog-een-spelletje-gevoel.
Al kan de uitzonderlijke hoeveelheid aan ander nieuw of in verzamelstaat verkerend schoon speelgoed daar ook nog wel voor iets tussengezeten hebben :pin: :love:

Den Duze
Berichten: 655
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 14:28
Real name: Dujardin Didier

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Den Duze » 13 feb 2017, 20:24

@David: het was niet van te zacht of te hard de bal in de kist te schieten.
Het was de kist die open kwam, eerst terug sloot en dan werd de bal op de kist geschoten zonder lock als gevolg (geregeld gebeurd)

Berichten: 36
Lid geworden op: 30 aug 2016, 00:28
Real name: Robin

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door uncle_woody » 13 feb 2017, 21:00

Den Duze schreef:@David: het was niet van te zacht of te hard de bal in de kist te schieten.
Het was de kist die open kwam, eerst terug sloot en dan werd de bal op de kist geschoten zonder lock als gevolg (geregeld gebeurd)
Speelde je alleen?
Als iemand voor jou al ballen locked heeft gaat de kist opzettelijk dicht, zou wel als lock moeten tellen.
Het complete overzicht: /viewtopic.php?f=16&t=78

Help us keep this list up to date! PM me your current local pins!

Den Duze
Berichten: 655
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 14:28
Real name: Dujardin Didier

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Den Duze » 14 feb 2017, 07:47

Zowel alleen als met meerdere ....
Duidelijk nog meerdere software problemen (ik weet niet welke versie daar juist stond - ook niet belangrijk, dat komt wel nog in orde daar twijfel ik niet aan).

David Pinball Wizz
Berichten: 4395
Lid geworden op: 15 aug 2011, 07:44
Real name: David Deturck
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door David Pinball Wizz » 17 mar 2017, 09:13

Gisteren de Aerosmith in Doornik es grondig getest met mn homie Avatar. Kast speelde super behalve de toybox die niet openging, maar software compenseerde dat netjes.

- schoon kast qua artwork
- display / kopruit verhouding vind ik dik in orde
- display animaties vond ik zeker leuk en niet 'te' zoals je bij hobbit/woz hebt. Eigenlijk perfect en de focus blijft nog steeds op het speelveld. Ook al zijn ze in 'flash' stijl, het stoorde me zeker niet.
- mature software vanaf de start (1.0.0)! Mooie lichteffecten, toffe regels. Geen ultra diepe kast maar zeker een leuke kast voor locatie/wedstrijden/... en zeker dat 'nog een spelletje' gevoel. En nu is 1.0.2 uitgekomen met meer speech en animaties tijdens toybox multiball dus das ook dik in orde
- er zit toch wat multiplier stuff in voor schoten, tijdens multiball, enz...

voor de 'leken' is het ook wel een toffe kast in die zin dat zowel de box, de elevator en de lock kunnen geschoten worden bij 'toeval'

KISS heb ik nooit kunnen appreciëren qua spelgevoel, Aerosmith daarentegen zeker wel!
Maar ja KIss muziek heb ik volledig gemist en dus geen band mee... Aerosmith omwille van de Revolution X arcade een heel pak meer

Afgesloten met een GC van 348M (weliswaar nog met de wwwwwwww bug bij het ingeven van de initialen). Evert zn score is er toch af, dat was het doel :)
IFPA Country Director Belgium

Berichten: 730
Lid geworden op: 17 sep 2011, 10:09
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door jjj080 » 17 mar 2017, 10:12

David Pinball Wizz schreef:Gisteren de Aerosmith in Doornik es grondig getest met mn homie Avatar. Kast speelde super behalve de toybox die niet openging, maar software compenseerde dat netjes.
toybox staat uitgeschakeld, bleef niet openstaan

probleem gemeld aan seeben en stern

reeds een nieuwe flashcard ontvangen, maar probleem bleef het zelfde :madman:

wij wachten op een oplossing van seeben/stern

prettig flipper weekend

Berichten: 1329
Lid geworden op: 10 aug 2011, 21:43
Real name: Jos Deboosere
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Avatar » 17 mar 2017, 10:44

DAV heeft mij ferm in het zand doen bijten door als gewoonlijk zwaar te rulen ...

Mooie, snelle en leuke kast (in een hip & trendy café).
Na elk spel was er steeds het idee "komaan, nog eentje!" dus dat zit wel snor. Speelt veel beter en leuker dan Kiss.
Het Aerosmith-thema an sich zegt me niet zoveel, dus mocht deze kast voor mij gerust FC Bommerskonte geheten hebben, I could care less. Maar het thema is daarentegen wel mooi uitgewerkt. Het was net after-work sing-along night in de Cornwall, dus konden we eigenlijk haast niks van de kast zelf horen. Dus kwa muzikale beleving moet dat op een ander moment nog eens afgetoetst worden.

De Lock is een mooi stukje techniek (als Seeben / Stern het oplost voor Jan) want de bal wordt vanop het speelveld met een lob in een koffer (ToyBox) geschoten.

Diepgaand is de kast niet (volgens kenners een eigenschap van Lonnie RapRap), dus dat wil zeggen dat ik zelfs al een beetje de regels begin te verstaan. En naar het schijnt is dat niet een van mijn sterkste eigenschappen. Een moderne LW3 zou ik zeggen (en ik speel die graag hé). Fijne kast om lekker op te raggen en te spelen zonder veel stacking en strategie te bedenken.

Het display an-sich is heel goed uitgevoerd en duidelijk leesbaar, echter ben ik meer voorstander van Heighway zijn display in het speelveld. Dan heb je er volgens mij als speler ook meer aan. De graphics daarentegen die ze gebruikt hebben blijven nog steeds te Scooby-Doo voor mij.

Hopelijk wordt de volgende muziek-flipperkast een deftig hip-hop thema met regels van Lyman ...

PS: Goeie muziek in de Cornwall (ook wat coole covers), maar kleed je een beetje op als je gaat. Wij waren daar net met de after-work thursday en het liep vol business-boys strak in het pak (weliswaar met de das Rambo-stijl rond het hoofd later op de avond) & girls in 2-piece en de juiste sjakos.
A Twix a day, keeps the anorexic away !!!

Berichten: 1013
Lid geworden op: 11 aug 2011, 19:15
Real name: Glenn Verhoosele
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door yorkie » 17 mar 2017, 12:49

Heb de kast in Basel gespeeld. De lock werkte daar wel en tot mijn verbazing nog goed ook. Ik heb geen enkele bal ernaast zien vliegen. Wat wel stoort is dat als er al ballen gelockt zijn door andere spelers de bal afgeschoten wordt met de koffer dicht en de bal ongecontroleerd naar beneden komt. Dit is niet helemaal eerlijk op wedstrijden.
Verder idd wel een leuk kaste, maar de wauw factor mis ik toch.

Berichten: 405
Lid geworden op: 18 sep 2011, 20:54
Real name: rik

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door cardanmoto » 10 apr 2017, 08:38

kan enkel zeggen dat deze met de nieuwere code me wel beetje het
wauw gevoel heeft. alles klopt ,niets frustreed en dat scherm...
nooit gedacht maar het is echt wel ok en een meerwaarde vind ik .
zit veel meer grappig in het spel betrokken of bv woz ( mijn mening).
kan toppertje worden :P

Berichten: 5840
Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2011, 21:14
Real name: PVW
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Pascal » 22 mei 2017, 20:06

er zitten weer kwaliteit speelvelden bij :wtf:

Berichten: 275
Lid geworden op: 14 sep 2011, 17:56
Real name: Joachim Reniers
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door JoachimR » 07 sep 2018, 09:14

Kleine update :o :shock: :rock:

V1.06.0 - September 6, 2018

- Added outlane sounds.
- Added speech effects to outlanes.
- Changed the criteria for when outlane speech is heard.
- Now Medley Multiball Wizard mode ends differently. If multiple balls are
still in play after making the final shot the flippers are momentarily
turned off. While the remaining balls are draining you are shown the total
points collected before returning you back to 1 ball play.
- Added Medley Multiball post final shot speech while the balls are draining.
- Increased score awards for Super Scoring.
- Fixed a bug where Super Lanes score awards were maxed out too early.
- The Aerosmith targets/rule is now available during the first
(non-Cranked Up) portion of the Same Old Song and Dance mode. Once the mode
is Cranked Up, and the Cranked Up targets are used to finish the Same Old
Song and Dance mode, the normal Aerosmith targets/rule is no longer
available until the mode is over.
- Now completing Same Old Song and Dance will also light the shot multipliers.
- Fixed the left scoop mode award lightshow (when the shot was lit solid) that
inadvertently flashed all the playfield lights for 1 frame.
- Added Super Lanes full playfield lightshow awards.
- Added Super Lanes completed lightshow.
- Fixed a bug where ejects/scoops/vuks would not wait for "Dude Looks like a Lady"
award's presentations to finish before kicking the ball back into play.
- Added a difficulty rule/adjustment to Medley Multiball, default = Hard. To
start Medley Multiball you must collect at least 1 award from every
mode/multiball. 3 Modes (Walk this Way, Back in the Saddle & Rats in the Cellar)
are marked as completed if you drain the ball while the mode is "Cranked Up".
At the start of Medley Multiball the game can decide to give you progress
towards these 3 modes that were auto completed. The "Easy" setting allows
the mode to be skipped during Medley Multiball, the "Hard" setting requires
the player to play this mode during Medley Multiball.
- All of the mode award full playfield lightshows have been reworked to remove
the "shot arrow" lamps, if necessary, from the award presentation. This was
done so that, upon making a shot, the resulting full playfield award
lightshow doesn't obstruct the remaining shots that are available. In turn,
this allows the player to quickly see what shots to aim for next.
- Reworked mode award lightshow presentations to be faster.
- Added more dynamic mode award lightshows for the right/left ramps
(when shot lamp arrows are Solid, CrankedUp, Super).
- Added an Elevator rule adjustment. The adjustment allows the top scoop to
light an Elevator Lock, default = No.
- Added Jacky spotlights to the Toys in the Attic Multiball Start lightshow
- Fixed a Last Child scoring bug where a blinking arrow award was scored the
same as a solid arrow award.
- fixed a Sweet Emotion scoring bug where a blinking arrow award was scored the
same as a solid arrow award.
- Changed the rules for Sweet Emotion, i.e. an ALL shot centric mode. Make 12
shots to complete the Mode. The 6 "easiest" shots are available at mode start.
Once completed 6 more "difficult" shots are added.
- Added pluralized text to Hidden/Super skill shot display effects.
- Moved text to make it more readable in the display effect that appears after
you enter your initials.
- Added Elevator Lit as a Mystery award.
- Added Elevator 1, 2 Locked as a Mystery award.
- Added Mystery award lightshows for Elevator Lit, Elevator Locked.
- Added Mystery Audits for Elevator Lit.
- Added Mystery Audits for Elevator Floor Locked.
- Replaced the "Smart Missiles" mystery award display effect with
"Smart Missiles Lit" and "Smart Missiles Qualified" display effects.
"Smart Missiles Qualified" indicates that Smart Missiles were awarded but are
not yet available to be used, i.e. a mode/multiball is not active.
- Added VIP Pass as a Mystery award.
- Added Shot Multipliers Lit as a Mystery Award.
- Added mystery award lightshows for Special Lit, Extra Ball lit, Increase
Spinner Value, Increase Pop Bumper Value, Bonus X, Shot Multipliers Lit,
Smart Missiles Lit & VIP Pass lit. These lightshows dim the playfield lights
while blinking the lights of the award just given.
- Added Mystery Audits for VIP Pass.
- Added Mystery Audits for Shot Multipliers Lit.
- Improved flipper blowoff on Mystery display effects. Previously the display
effect could be killed/blown off by simultaneously pressing both flipper
buttons. Under this scenario the player didn't get a chance to see what
Mystery award was awarded. Now, instead of completely killing the display
effect, the game fast forwards to the portion of the display effect that
reveals the mystery award. Additionally, this newly revealed display effect
can also be blown off.
- Added a Medley Multiball Wizard Mode High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support Medley Multiball Wizard Mode High Score Champion
(default score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give.
- Added Medley Multiball Wizard Mode Champion to the attract mode.
- Added Medley Multiball Wizard Mode Champion to instant info.
- Added artwork for the Medley Multiball Champion Background display effects.
- Fixed a bug where Same Old Song and Dance progress towards Medley Multiball
wasn't saved properly. This was due to the rule change where a Cranked Up
arrow shot could advance 2 shots at once, i.e. one for the arrow/gallery award
which spots 1 duck target.
- added a Perfect Bonus rule/presentation (+200M) for starting Medley Multiball
with all the modes/multiballs already completed. The display effect appears
after all the Bonus Level awards have been presented. At the end Final Tour
Multiball is ready to start at the left scoop.
- Fixed a bug where the "Toys in the Attic" level during Medley Multiball
occurred twice and the "Back in the Saddle" level was missing. This occurred
because no shots were made while playing the Back in the Saddle mode. Upon
draining the mode was marked as completed and nothing was added to the
Medley Multiball level sequence.
- Added logic to the Same Old Song and Dance level of Medley Multiball to assist
with scoring neighboring standup targets that are difficult to hit.
- Love in an Elevator scoring has changed. Jackpots start at 500K and increase
by 25K. Elevator Jackpots start at 1M and increase by 1M for each floor visited,
i.e. 1st Floor Jackpot = 1M, 2nd Floor Jackpot = 2M, etc... Jackpot values
reset at the start of each multiball.
- Changed the rules for Medley Multiball, i.e. the first Wizard Mode. Previously
you would play through the 9 levels/songs in a set order,
i.e. level 1 = Same Old Song and Dance, level 2 = Toys in the Attic,
Level 3 = Love in an Elevator, etc... Now, the sequence/order through the 9
levels is determined by the order the modes were played throughout the game.
For instance, at game start, if you selected/played Walk this Way, then
Sweet Emotion, and then Last Child you would be presented those same songs/levels
as you progress through Medley Multiball.
- Added a Bonus Sequence scoring presentation/rule to the start of Medley Multiball
for modes already completed prior to starting Medley Multiball. Completing
1 mode is worth 10M, completing 2 modes is worth 10M+20M, etc...
- Now the player is no longer required to play a Medley Multiball level that was
already completed prior to starting Medley Multiball.
- Now completing a level during Medley Multiball advances the player's progress
towards Final Tour. For instance, if the Sweet Emotion level during
Medley Multiball is completed the player's Sweet Emotion progress towards
Final Tour is also completed.
- Medley Multiball levels are now easier to finish, i.e.
Last Child = 2 shots required to finish, shots are not extinguished.
Walk this Way = 4 shots required to finish, shots are not extinguished until the last shot.
Same Old Song and Dance = 9 target shots required to finish, shots are extinguished.
Sweet Emotion = 6 shots required to finish, shots are extinguished.
Dude Looks Like a Lady = 4 shots (1 scoop, 3 lanes) required to finish, shots are extinguished.
Back in the Saddle = 25 pop hits required to finish.
Rats in the Cellar = 25 spinner hits required to finish.
Toys in the Attic = 6 shots (toy box) required to finish, progress shown on 6 toy box inserts.
Love in an Elevator = 3 shots required to finish, shots are not extinguished.
- Raised the volume of the Medley Multiball award sound effect.
- Added a Bonus/Mode Completion Display Effect to the start of Medley Multiball.
- Fixed a bug where Medley Multiball could start prematurely if a mode shot
was made to the left scoop that ended that mode.
- Fixed a bug where Final Tour could start prematurely if a mode shot
(or Medley Multiball Super Jackpot) was made to the left scoop that ended that mode.
- changed the Medley Multiball ball save timer settings. Default = 40 seconds.
- changed the Final Tour ball save timer settings. Default = 40 seconds.
- Added rule progress (Loops Needed, Ramps Needed, etc..) to the Medley Multiball
background display effect.
- Added speech to the Bonus Sequence presentation at start of Medley Multiball.
- Changed the rules/scoring for Final Tour Multiball, i.e. the final Wizard Mode.
Now all 8 shots stay lit (until the final 8 shots) as you progress thru 24
cities. The first 8 cities are worth 10M each, the next 8 are worth 20M each,
and the last 8 are worth 30M each. Once all 24 cities have been collected
the left scoop is lit for a Super Jackpot worth 100M. All of these scores
can be increased via combos, shot multipliers and double scoring.
- Shot arrows change color during Final Tour to represent the progress/scoring
for each "band" of 8.
- Removed add-a-ball from Final Tour for completing a shot (shots are no longer extinguished).
- Now Final Tour Multiball Wizard mode ends differently. If multiple balls are
still in play after making the final (Super Jackpot) shot the flippers are
momentarily turned off. While the remaining balls are draining you are
shown the total points collected before returning you back to 1 ball play.
- Added Final Tour post Super Jackpot speech while the balls are draining.
- Added City Progress to the Final Tour background display effect.
- Added new artwork to the Final Tour Super Jackpot display effect.
- added Medley Multiball Completion Bonus art.
- Added time to the default Back in the Saddle timer, i.e. default = 50 seconds.
- Added floating score award display F/X to a Cranked Up Back in the Saddle
pop bumper hit.
- Added floating score awards to Super Pops (up to 9 at once). Each award is
associated with a pop bumper hit. Previously only 1 score award appeared in
the presence of multiple cows.
- Added flipper blowoff to the Rats in the Cellar mode start/award display effects.
- Increased the font size and slowed down the animation speed for the large
Rat score award to make it easier to read.
- changed the logic for large Rat Score awards to appear on the screen fully.
Previously, if the rat was near the edge of the screen and died when a shot
was made, the score award might appear partially off screen.
- Added flipper blowoff to the Back in the Saddle mode start/award display effects.
- Added flipper blowoff to the Dude looks like a Lady mode start/award display effects.
- Added flipper blowoff to the Last Child mode start/award display effects.
- Restructured when duck targets are reset during the start of Super Targets.
- Added flipper blowoff to Medley Multiball & Final Tour Multiball advance
display effects.
- Now the left scoop will retain a ball while the Medley Multiball advance
display effect is active.
- Fixed a problem with flipper blowoff where sometimes multiple screens would
be aborted/blown off due to flipper debounce logic.
- Changed the rules for Same Old Song and Dance, i.e. a target centric mode.
Now 12 shots are required to complete the mode. Shot arrows collect both
gallery awards and spot 1 duck target, i.e. advancing the rule by 2 shots.
- Added flipper blowoff to the Same Old Song and Dance mode start/award display effects.
- Changed the score value of the Same Old Song and Dance target awards.
- Added flipper blowoff to Sweet Emotion mode start/award display effects.
- Changed score awards for Solid/Blinking/CrankedUp shots during Walk this Way.
- Fixed a problem with Walk this Walk mode start flipper blowoff.
- Changed Super Targets award scores, i.e. targets score 1M+ based upon coins
collected during Same Old Song and Dance.
- Added time to the default Rats in the Cellar timer, i.e. default = 50 seconds.
- Added time to the default Sweet Emotion timer, i.e. default = 50 seconds.
- Added time to the default Same Old Song and Dance timer, i.e. default = 50 seconds.
- Changed the Rats in the Cellar score award display artwork making the text
easier to read, i.e. now awards are outlined with a brighter Orange color.
- Changed duck target score award coordinates and dynamically scale score award
text to insure display text doesn't overlap with neighboring score awards
and/or boarders.
- Changed how Toys in the Attic qualifies Medley Multiball, i.e. now you must
collect 1 award instead of starting multiball.
- Changed how Love in an Elevator qualifies Medley Multiball, i.e. now you must
collect 1 award instead of starting multiball.
- Moved the clown and wheel gallery score awards in Same Old Song and Dance to
be unobstructed by the Aerosmith logo.
- Now gallery targets in Same Old Song and Dance show score awards in
abbreviated format, i.e. 1M instead of 1000000.
- Changed gallery score awards font color (now it's Yellow) to match arrow shot colors.
- Added outlines to Gallery Target score awards during Same Old Song and Dance.
- Changed default Crank it Up settings, i.e. now Crank it Up is available at
game start instead of requiring a mode shot to be made.
- Added time to the default Walk this Way timer, i.e. default = 50 seconds.
- Added time to the default last Child Way timer, i.e. default = 50 seconds.
- Crank it Up no longer adds time as the default mode timers have already been
increased. Mystery is still available to add time to modes.
- Changed how Medley Multiball is qualified, i.e. now you must collect
1 mode/multiball award instead of starting a mode/multiball.
- Fixed a bug where a mode shot award display/sound/lamp effect was not being
shown if it completed a mode.
- Changed the rules for Last Child, i.e. an orbit centric mode. Now 7 shots
are available after Cranking Up the mode. The last 2 shots require both orbits
to be collected.
- Added flipper blowoff to Crank it Up display effects.
- Changed the rules for Walk this Way, i.e. a ramp centric mode. Now 7 shots
are available after Cranking Up the mode. Make 10 shots to complete the mode.
- added flipper blowoff to Walk this Way mode start/award display effects.
- Added Final Tour Wizard Mode Champion to Instant Info.
- Fixed Tournament Leaders attract mode display effect text, i.e. "Current Winners:"
text is replaced with "Tournament Leaders:".
- Fixed Tournament Winners/Leaders attract mode display effect initials text
that could sometimes exceed the width of the display now that the player can
enter up to 20 initials.
- Fixed Tournament "Top Scores Win" attract mode display effect text.
Previously it would display "Top 5 Scores Win Cash Prizes" regardless of how
many prizes were actually being awarded.
- Added Tournament Winners attract mode display effect title screen. Added
logic to determine if the text should read "Previous Winners" or "Current Winners"
based upon a tournament being active or not.
- Fixed Final Tour Champion attract mode text/position.
- Added the "$" symbol along with several other symbols that were missing from
the outline/embossed fonts.
- Added a Final Tour Wizard Mode High Score Champion.
- Added adjustments to support Final Tour Wizard Mode High Score Champion
(default score threshold, type of award to give, # of awards to give.
- Added Final Tour Wizard Mode Champion to the attract mode.
- Now the Smart Button can collect Medley Multiball awards.
- Changed the criteria for when mode select is available, i.e. now it is no
longer available after a Wizard Mode where there are multiple balls on the playfield.
- Added new Final Tour award sound F/X
- Added new Final Tour Super Jackpot award sound F/X
- Added speech to Medley Multiball Start
- Added flipper blowoff to Final Tour Multiball Start.
- Fixed a bug where the crowd cheering sound f/x was cut short during the Final Tour Super Jackpot.
- Fixed/optimized Final Tour Super Jackpot Ready lightshow.
- Added speech to Final Tour Multiball start.
- Added full playfield Final Tour award lightshows.
- Synced Final Tour start display/speech/shaker/lightshows.
- Optimized Final Tour Ready lightshow.
- Now balls are held in the left scoop during the Final Tour Super Jackpot presentation.
- Optimized Medley Multiball Ready lightshow.
- Now the Smart Button can collect Final Tour awards.
- Changed the criteria when Mystery awards an add-a-ball. Under normal
circumstances Mystery will try to award an add-a-ball if a multiball is active.
A problem occurs when Mystery and Medley/Final Wizard Mode start are both
awarded at the same time. The game would prematurely award a Mystery add-a-ball
and then start the "lit" Wizard Mode. In this case the player wouldn't want
an add-a-ball award yet since the multiball mode is just beginning with a 40
second ball saver. Now, the Mystery add-a-ball criteria has been changed to
make add-a-ball available later in the multiball.
- Extended timer's pause time during the hidden skill shot award.
- Added logic to pause timers during the hidden skill shot, i.e. it takes a
while for the ball to travel to the right eject via the hidden path and
mode timers could have timed down/off during this sequence.
- Added time to how long mode timers are paused when hitting Jacky in the Head
with a Toy/Ball.
- Fixed a delay problem where the game waited too long to kick the right eject
when hitting Jacky in the head with a Toy.
- Add sounds for hitting Jacky in the Head with a Toy.
- Added time to how long mode timers are paused when locking a ball and starting
- Added Slam Tilt functionality to the game, i.e. for games that have a
Slam Tilt switch installed.
- Fixed a power up problem that occurs when the game tries to empty the toy box
of any balls. The toy box lid may close prematurely and restrict balls from
exiting the toy box. Now the lid is held open longer.
- Updated Jacky ball save timer logic to determine if the ball saver should
set/augment/ignore any existing ball savers or multiball savers.
- Updated the top scoop ball save timer logic to determine if the ball saver
should set/augment/ignore any existing ball savers or multiball savers.
- Added Jacky Ball Save logic for times when a ball drains upon hitting Jacky
in the head.
- Added a Jacky Ball Save Timer adjustment.
- Added a Hidden Skill shot rule, i.e. at ball start lightly plunge the ball
to enter the hidden path at the top right orbit.
- Added a Super Skill Shot, i.e. at ball start hold the left flipper in while
lightly plunging to light 1 of 3 Super Skill shots.
- Now, making a Hidden Skill Shot awards 1 Smart Missile.
- Now, making a Super Skill Shot awards 2 Smart Missiles.
- Changed Mystery criteria for awarding Smart Missiles.
- Added "Smart Missiles Qualified" logic, i.e. now you can collect Smart Missiles
during the game when the Smart Missiles are not available to be immediately used,
i.e. Modes/Multiball are not active.
- added Smart Missile award/limit adjustments.
- added logic to disable Smart Missiles during Toys Multiball countdown when
the smart button is used to abort multiball and lock more balls.
- Fixed a bug that occurs when there are balls missing from the game. Upon
locking a ball, if there were no more balls in the trough to serve a ball
back into play the game would dump out all of the balls from the toy box.
You would see this happen upon locking your 5th ball (in a game with 1 missing ball).
Now, the game tests to see if there are missing balls and instead, kicks the
ball into Jacky's head.
- Fixed a bug where, upon entering your initials, the game didn't inform you
of your position/rank. Instead, it just provided player info, # credits won
and score. Now it will also tell you if you are a Grand Champion or which
High Score position you earned.
- Fixed Smart Missiles lit display effect (it had no X/Y text coordinates and
the background video did not play).
- Fixed a problem when there are no balls in the trough to instantly serve the
right outlane ball save. If this happens the game will now wait for the ball
to arrive at the trough and serve it back into play.
- Fixed a problem when a ball drains while a mode's timer is paused at zero.
At the start of the next ball mode select should be available, but instead,
the game was restarting the mode with a full timer.
- Fixed a problem where several modes, upon draining, were marked as played
but were not available to be chosen again during mode select.
- Changed default volume to approx. 75db
- Fixed audit text that overlapped/exceeded screen boundaries.
- Added an audit to track multiple Toys in the Attic Multiball starts per game.
- Changed the toy box difficulty rules, default = Easy. To advance to multiball
you need to light/lock 3 balls in the toy box.
Easy = Light/Collect lock shots in any order.
Medium = Light/Collect lock shots in order, i.e. collecting a lock is required
before another lock can be lit.
Hard = Hit the toy box 2 times to light a lock, collect lock at right eject
in any order.
Extra Hard = Hit the toy box 2 times to light a lock, collect lock at right
eject in order, i.e. collecting a lock is required before
another lock can be lit.
- Added game logic and an adjustment to save progress during Toys in the Attic Multiball,
default is OFF.
- Points accumulated during Toys in the Attic Multiball for lock lit/awards
were not being added to the total tally, this has been corrected.
- Fixed text in the Toys in the Attic Double Jackpot display effect.
- Changed the debounce timing of the Right Eject. This was done to fix a
problem when the Right Eject switch was improperly adjusted. Balls shot into
and past the Right Eject would cause the switch to momentarily close/open.
The game would see this switch activity and, upon seeing that no ball was in
the right eject, perform a "Courteous" kick. Now, the game recognizes the
transient behavior of this switch scenario and waits for a true arrival.
- Fixed a bug where the Jacky multiball start countdown speech, i.e.
"multiball starting in 3..2..1" continued after multiball start was aborted.
- Added slingshot power adjustment.
- Changed default slingshot power.
- Added an adjustment for auto ball launch power.
- Fixed a bug with the credit knocker - it would knock 1 less time than it was supposed to.
- Added start game functionality to action button on the lock down bar.
- Added green light to lockdown button when it can start a game.
- Fixed a problem where mode select was still active after the player plunged
the ball and inadvertently switched the selected song upon pressing a flipper
- Fixed bug report email address in readme.
- Fixed a lamp function that was not turning on the correct number of lamps.
This would occur during whole playfield lightshows.
- Fixed an issue where an X multiplier light would blink incorrectly when an
X multiplier was awarded.
- Fixed an issue where mode timers would display "zero" momentarily upon ball drain.
- Fixed an issue where balls were not ejecting out of the toy box during
game over if match was turned off.
- Added ticket dispenser to diagnostics menu.
- Fixed a problem where balls were not kicked out of the toy box if the Match
adjustment was set to OFF.
- Added LCD high score initial entry display screen.
- Added LCD Tournament display screens to replace default system dots.
- Fixed the custom message default text.
- Fixed an issue with custom message duplicating text.
- Removed old style dot matrix display effects that could appear in the attract mode
- Added emboss and outline to several attract mode display text boxes.
- Added LCD custom message.
- Added LCD screens to report tournament results.
- Replaced competition mode purple dots with LCD Aerosmith text and BG graphics.

- Added USA_13 Coinage 1/$1.00, 7/$5.00
- Update to nodeboard firmware v0.25.0
- Added adjustment to scale GI, Insert, and Flasher LED brightness, range
is 25% to 100%.
- Added adjustment to limit GI, Insert, and Flasher LED Max brightness, range
is 64 to 255.
- Enhanced center channel clarity.
- Added bass frequency filter selection options: 125Hz, 250Hz, and disabled.
- Added treble frequency filter selection options: 4kHz, 8kHz, and disabled.
- Added adjustments for backbox and cabinet speaker types to the service menu
UTIL->VOL. Supported speaker types are "8 OHM" and "4 OHM".
The amplifier power curve is appropriately adjusted for the selected speaker type.
- Added Maintenance Reboot support. The game will automatically reboot if it has
been on for more than 48 hours and has been idle for at least 15
minutes. A 15 second notification display will be presented and can be
postponed by pressing both flipper buttons, inserting a coin/bill, or starting a game.
- Updated AD_TILT_DEBOUNCE minimum value to 750ms to avoid overly conservative configurations.
- DIAG->NODE->COMM test would occasionally falsely report address collisions,
this has been corrected.
- Extend TIMED PLUNGER adjustment range to DISABLED or 1 - 300 seconds
- Correct minimum firing time for flipper coil when an EOS switch is inconsistent
or poorly gapped
- Improved LED refresh rate and blink consistency.
- Improved reporting of shorted General Illumination bulbs and sockets.

Berichten: 4914
Lid geworden op: 13 aug 2011, 22:40
Real name: Evert Brochez
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Bingovit » 10 sep 2018, 05:59

Zal bij ons pas te testen zijn einde september-begin oktober in Bar Bazaar te Lokeren ivm de hoge scores :)
Ziet er in alle geval indrukwekkend uit en wil graag het verschil wel eens zien! 8-)
-->The Dark Pinball Specialist<--
*"Serving the world of pinball since 2005!"*

Berichten: 275
Lid geworden op: 14 sep 2011, 17:56
Real name: Joachim Reniers
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door JoachimR » 13 dec 2018, 11:08

V1.07.0 - December 11, 2018

- Added game logic and an adjustment to make Sweet Emotion easier to finish,
default = EASY. Now, upon timing out, the mode preserves it's progress.
Previously (and now the HARD setting) the mode resets it's progress.
- Added the virtual locks adjustment to the "Install Competition" menu.
- Changed the behavior of 3 modes, i.e. Back in the Saddle, Rats in the Cellar
and Walk this Way. Now these modes will count down and time out if not completed.
- Added game logic and an adjustment to change the difficulty of advancing
towards Medley Multiball. Previously Medley Multiball was advanced by making
1 shot during each mode/multiball. Now, with the "SHOTS NEEDED TO QUALIFY MEDLEY MULTIBALL"
adjustment, the game can be adjusted to require more shots to advance to this
wizard mode feature. Default = 1 shot.
- Removed an unused Medley Multiball adjustment.
- Added a Virtual Locks adjustment to virtually lock balls in the Toy Box.
Default = NO. Now tournament directors can add this adjustment change to
make their tournament games more deterministic.
- Added a Trough Eject Power adjustment.

- Update to nodeboard firmware v0.28.0
- Added LIFETIME count to Standard Audit #16 "Total Plays".
- Added JAPAN_3 Coinage 1/YEN 200.
- Added UTIL->VOL adjustments for minimum and maximum master volume level and
minimum and maximum headphones volume level. This will limit the selectable
volume range from the service menu Plus and Minus keys and the headphones
rotary dial.
- Added support for 6th coin switch.
- When entering UTIL->VOL, the first sub-menu adjustment is selected, previous
behavior would select the last displayed sub-menu adjustment.
- Added Standard Adjustment "START GAME ON CREDIT". Settings are:
"OFF" - Do not automatically start a game or add a player when inserted money registers a credit
"FIRST ONLY" - Automatically start a game when inserted money registers a credit
"ALL CREDITS" - Automatically start a game or add a player when inserted money registers a credit
Adding multiple credits simultaneously, via a bill acceptor, will only start
a one player game or add a single player.
Default setting is "OFF"
- Removed unused obsolete Standard Adjustments: "FLASH LAMP POWER", "COIL PULSE POWER",

Berichten: 4914
Lid geworden op: 13 aug 2011, 22:40
Real name: Evert Brochez
Locatie: Belgium

Re: Aerosmith (Stern)

Bericht door Bingovit » 13 dec 2018, 12:18


Die zet ik eerstdaags op de mijnen! :D
-->The Dark Pinball Specialist<--
*"Serving the world of pinball since 2005!"*

Plaats reactie