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Gezocht Display cover for theatre of magic + wood panel sp.

Geplaatst: 24 jan 2016, 13:37
door zitoun
Hi everybody ,

I've just got a theatre of magic which is in bad condition so it's time to look after some brand new parts for it :madman:

First missing parts :

a display cover ( ... ion=notify ) a NOS one would be very appreciate


the wood speaker panel which is just behind the display cover ( same as other wpc model ... )



Re: Gezocht Display cover for theatre of magic + wood panel

Geplaatst: 24 jan 2016, 17:34
door David Pinball Wizz
Finallement Karim! Felicitations!

Re: Gezocht Display cover for theatre of magic + wood panel

Geplaatst: 25 jan 2016, 15:19
door zitoun
Dank u wel David :D !!!