De klant die dit topic starte wil echter zelf ook een deel van de kosten dragen. Hij krijgt op zijn vraag zelfs niet eens een antwoord!
"That's what I proposed Bertjan, split the price increase up (1/3 for MoP, 1/3 for PPS, 1/3 for the customer). Did not get an answer..."
Yep, that was me. Still after a week no answer. No compromise in view as the belgian customers saw yesterday on their invoices. By the way, all the "new" invoices are send out by a different company than the original ones...
Invoice 2013: MoP, no references to terms&conditions
invoice 2016: MoP Import B.V. with a new IBAN account AND with references to terms & conditions of 2012 you can find on a Website managed by a company called MoP Online Sales B.V.
MoP Import B.V. and Mop Online Sales B.V. were founded in June 2014...
You are right, it is only a hobby. And I am 100% ok with the fact that even though it is legal that MoP has to take the whole risk, it is not fair and that's why at least 10 customers who ordered at 7500€ sent Mop a message telling them that they are willing to pay more. But they won't pay everything! No answer till now...
I'm no accountant, but do your calculations and you will see that MoP could even now sell at 7500€ without doing a big loss. Selling at 8100€ would even perhaps permit him to have a very small benefit. Selling now to those customers, who were in 2013 the first to back up this project, at 9282,15€ is rude and abusive.
And because some of these customers feel kicked in the nuts by such a behavior, they react emotionally.... and emotions are always involved when you talk about a hobby. Circle closed
Next argument: "take back your deposit and buy the MMR somewhere else":
1.) MoP did not yet officially give customers the possibility to get their deposit back... as they do not communicate.
2.) MoP has the monopoly. There is no other official distributor or re-seller in Europe. Bernard Loose can do grey imports from the USA, Freddy in Germany already did that ... and got some not so nice emails from PPS and CGC because he sold them with loss at 8000€ (yeah, he did stick to his contracts) . CGC and PPS are bound by contract to MoP. No other distributor or re-seller in Europe for the moment, finito, basta. I don't count UK to Europe as I'm sure that Pinball Heaven is not allowed to sell on the continent.
3.) There are no more MMR LE's to sale. Emailed yesterday with PPS... MMR LE's are sold out. So no alternative sourcing possible.
MoP knows this all and they know also that we pinheads are addicts... and they control the market of our dope
Ok, I'm now out of this discussion and I wish you all more luck then we had with upcoming Pinball buys at Ministry of Pinball Online Sales B.V. or Import B.V.